2022 Emerging Young Artist |
Engagements and Events |
TimeSometimes in life, things do become boring.
And also, prickly - like the thorns on a rose. We don't realize the minutes are soaring, And with time, everything grows. Life will disintegrate, time will perish-- So you see—time does cost. In our minds, memories we should cherish. Because if it's wasted... it's all lost. Age 13, Budding Writers, TDSB TattooMNSUNATEM
FireflyLast night the rain spluttered upon my pillow
Cracks of thunder willed me from slumber Like the clomp of hooves at the sledge I vow never to fall off course again To dream of only beautiful things The wild I was and the wild I am Words worth their flourishing The fecund earth at midnight My mother’s hand 'til dawn O'er the ground that shifts With each growth of step Giggling girls at my waist And the mellow patio lights Look--fireflies he points out All things that are beautiful I could capture them in a zippy poem Keep them tucked in this sunny heart For the mighty pen that goads me And this mind that was crazy Long before the threat of it When mirrors do not lie All things beautiful Stay with me Return anon Hurry before I catch you again |
RunMind in mud and rain
Inner child scuttling Hands and hooves Playful hideaway in Bold forest labrynths Green tender ungulates Mapping trails and tracks Low in the hollow lands Marathon of wonder Dire in the trench of Your rout and loss The starter pistol A plague on the marrow Seizing blue frozen hearts Vapid head of a hunter Slurping like a louse Let the terrors take you Towed with a heavy noose Into vaults where you brood In the swarm of your own rot Beetles and bacteria Bestial infestation Half-open eyes Ungulate Sweet baby gazelle Manifest emergence Catapult far and long Like a nimble hurdler Bound from the bog Spring forth of soil Mush Accelerate Run run In hysteria Into the aurora light Gulabi Gangflyers at the summit
captain of her vessel unseen brash tongues quills scripting legends of daggers and rapiers voicelessly dispersed blinking barbs on fire unwavering soldiers tarred and feathered in steady ululation ashes from ashes phoenix emerse dancing in pink plumes of blood Starbucks#293 printed on Starbucks cups for The Way I See It initiative
by Desi Di Nardo |
597457_vagabonds_MA EngLit.doc |
Demise of Her
below me
sidling stealthily
is a small, sullen speck
rearranging pictures of me
replacing me with shadows
perfecting most of my poses
slithering, slinking, slowly
she is frivolous, and fierce
she spies at the window
slyly, smugly by herself
snooping, staring
she is below me
sticking to walls
singing and smiling
consoled by her voice
sullying my space with
her serpentine presence
she will never know
she can never be me
because way down
below me, she
doesn't exist
below me
sidling stealthily
is a small, sullen speck
rearranging pictures of me
replacing me with shadows
perfecting most of my poses
slithering, slinking, slowly
she is frivolous, and fierce
she spies at the window
slyly, smugly by herself
snooping, staring
she is below me
sticking to walls
singing and smiling
consoled by her voice
sullying my space with
her serpentine presence
she will never know
she can never be me
because way down
below me, she
doesn't exist
Canadian Moose
Florence loves to smile from her bald toothless head.
Her thick fleshy body pushes out against constricting clothes.
She waddles in and out of stores looking at clerks.
Her jelly smile rests on you for a moment,
Then without deliberation,
Sinks quickly back into its asinine grin.
Volatile, catapulting threats, mocking you with her eyes,
She disarms you.
Wanton streetwalker of a time long ago,
She now sails proudly through the crowds
Flashing her low deep fatty chest,
Waiting for applause,
Wanting to be photographed.
She is the moose you see strewn along Bloor Street.
Emblem of our city, she stands erect,
Taunting, parading her flag, claiming the streets,
Laughing at the silliness of it all.
Her thick fleshy body pushes out against constricting clothes.
She waddles in and out of stores looking at clerks.
Her jelly smile rests on you for a moment,
Then without deliberation,
Sinks quickly back into its asinine grin.
Volatile, catapulting threats, mocking you with her eyes,
She disarms you.
Wanton streetwalker of a time long ago,
She now sails proudly through the crowds
Flashing her low deep fatty chest,
Waiting for applause,
Wanting to be photographed.
She is the moose you see strewn along Bloor Street.
Emblem of our city, she stands erect,
Taunting, parading her flag, claiming the streets,
Laughing at the silliness of it all.